API för kurs- och programinformation

API version 1, application version 2019.1

Public REST-XML api. Only the specified requests below are supported.

General information

The trailing language parameter will filter out blocks in the generated XML for other languages than the selected language so that only the selected language is included in the output. Not specifying language will include all languages (Swedish and English). In either case the block will be marked with a xml:lang attribute.

Trailing slashes are optional.


Information about course

Returns information about the course with specified course code.

/api/kopps/v1/course/{course code}/{language (en|sv)}

E.g. /api/kopps/v1/course/SF1624

Course round

Returns information about a course round with specified course code, term, and Ladok round id.

/api/kopps/v1/course/{course code}/round/{year}:{term (1/2)}/{round id}/{language (en|sv)}

E.g. /api/kopps/v1/course/HS1735/round/2010:1/2

Course syllabuses

Current course syllabus

Returns the current course syllabus for specified course.

/api/kopps/v1/course/{course code}/plan/{language (en|sv)}

E.g. /api/kopps/v1/course/HS1735/plan

Course syllabus for specified term

Returns the course syllabus for specified course and term.

/api/kopps/v1/course/{course code}/plan/{year}:{term (1/2)}/{language (en|sv)}

E.g. /api/kopps/v1/course/HS1735/plan/2010:1

Course examination sets

Current examination set

Returns information about the current examination set for a course.

/api/kopps/v1/course/{course code}/examination-set/{language (en|sv)}

E.g. /api/kopps/v1/course/HS1735/examination-set

Examination set for specified term

Returns information about the current examination set for a course.

/api/kopps/v1/course/{course code}/examination-set/{year}:{term (1/2)}/{language (en|sv)}

E.g. /api/kopps/v1/course/HS1735/examination-set/2010:1

Course rounds

Returns a list of all course rounds given specified year and term.

Note that the language parameter will have no effect since there is no language specific information.

/api/kopps/v1/courseRounds/{year}:{term (1/2)}/{language (en|sv)}

E.g. /api/kopps/v1/courseRounds/2010:1


List of programmes

Returns a list of all known programmes


E.g. /api/kopps/v1/programme

Academic year plan for programme

Returns the academic year plan for the specified programme, term and study year.

Currently the only information about programmes available is the academic year plan given a programme and study year.

/api/kopps/v1/programme/{programme code}/academic-year-plan/{year}:{term (1/2)}/{study year (1-5)/{language (en|sv)}

E.g. /api/kopps/v1/programme/CDATE/academic-year-plan/2010:2/1