KOPPS API for Courses

Following endpoints return different information related to Courses in KOPPS. The default language is Swedish, but English can be selected by a query argument(?l=en)



Its a light weight end point which returns information about one specific course, including recent and future rounds. The course version valid for current term is returned, it may or may not be the latest version. The information is both in English and Swedish by default



This returns more detailed course information, including rounds, round terms, application codes and syllabus etc. It takes an optional query parameter validAtTerm, fromTerm and toTerm. If this parameter is provided, the course information is returned based on version valid for that term else from latest version. All course rounds, examination rounds and syllabus versions are returned regardless of course version.

Parameter Mandatory Possible Values
validAtTerm No 5 digit term value for eg, 20181
fromTerm No 5 digit term value for eg, 20181. It is for filtering rounds based on start term or last term
toTerm No 5 digit term value for eg, 20181. It is for filtering rounds based on start term or last term



This returns a list of all the terms for course having course rounds. It also returns rounds per term, examination rounds per term and course syllabus per term. The list of terms can be restricted by providing fromTerm and toTerm parameters. The response includes data in both Swedish and English

Parameter Mandatory Possible Values
fromTerm No 5 digit term value for eg, 20181
toTerm No 5 digit term value for eg, 20181



Returns a list of all courses



Returns total number of courses



Returns a list of courses according to provided index and batch size parameters. If min_last_term_exam is provided, courses with Cancelled state are filtered on this value. Provides information in both English and Swedish

Parameter Mandatory Possible Values
index Yes Any integer
batch_size Yes Any integer
min_last_exam_term No 5 digit term value for eg, 20181



Returns a list of course rounds valid for given term parameter. Every object in the list is bundled with lot of data related to the course round for example; semesters, application information, Programme etc.

Parameter Mandatory Possible Values
from Yes 5 digit term value for eg, 20181
skip_coordinator_info No boolean true or false. Default false



Gets a course round according to given ladokuid of its course round application.

Parameter Mandatory Possible Values
ladokuid Yes A valid ladokuid


Gets a list of public course rounds (those which have been published to Ladok) according to provided search criteria. Provides information in both English and Swedish

Parameter Mandatory Possible Values
type No Valid course round types e.g,(SAP,UKI). Can provide multiple type parameters
semester No 5 digit term value for eg, 20181 or 'current'
category No PU,VU
tutoringForm No NML,DST,ITD
tutoringTime No DAG,KVÄ,VSL
teachersFurtherEdu No boolean
inEnglish No boolean
excludedTypes No Valid course round types that shall be excluded. Can provide multiple excludedTypes parameters



Search for courses according to provided criteria. None of the query parameters are mandatory but atleast one of them must be provided

Parameter Mandatory Possible Values
text_pattern No Text pattern to search for in course code and course name. Could be complete or a part of course code or name
only_mhu No boolean
in_english_only No boolean. If true only return courses that have at least one course round given in english
include_non_active No boolean
term_period No format {5 digit term}:{1 digit period}
educational_level No ADVANCED,BASIC,RESEARCH,PREPARATORY. Can provide multiple educational levels
department_prefix No valid department code



Returns a list of active courses given by a specific department. The supported {format}s are json and rss. For each course; the code, title, credits, education level and a brief text description is given, together with a link for more information.


Course Syllabus


Gets some course information and a list of approved syllabuses for the given course code



Gets a list of approved syllabuses with detailed syllabus information for the given course code. Course version valid at given semester value is used
