KOPPS API for Organization

Following endpoints return information related to Schools and Departments in KOPPS. The default language is Swedish, but English can be selected by a query argument(?l=en)



Returns a list of all schools



Returns a list of departments having courses. The departments are grouped by school. If the flag listForActiveCourses is set to true, only departments having active courses would be returned

Parameter Mandatory Possible Values
department_criteria Yes has_courses, has_third_cycle_courses
listForActiveCourses No true, false. If parameter not set, the flag is treated as false



Returns a list of course literature for courses which belong to given school and valid at the given term




Returns a list of all departments



Returns a list of departments having courses. The courses may not be active. All courses which are not in state 'Cancelled' are being considered The code for each department is what can be used as a {departmentCode} in the Courses api



Gets a department by department code
